Like a Roaring Lion – Part 4 Amos 3:1-15 (read 3:1-2 here) 1) Blessing brings responsibility (3:1-2). • Israel had this intimate relationship with God. That was their blessing. Obedience to the covenant was their responsibility. Blessing brings responsibility. 2) Guilty people alibi (3:3-8). • In verses 3-5 we see interrogative sentences. Each of these is important as they move from a result to an assumed cause. o For example, in verse 3 we would see the result (that is, two people walking together) and the cause would be some agreement they had made to meet. o The lion’s roar in the forest is the result. The cause is implicit; the cause is the fact that he has captured prey. o A bird falls in a snare; that’s the result. The cause is the trap that’s been set. Blessing brings responsibility. Guilty people alibi. 3) Outsiders see what’s inside the best (3:9-11; 3:13-15). Blessing brings responsibility. Guilty people alibi. Outsiders see what’s inside the best. 4) Judgement is devastating (3:12).